Barkus Pad 1.3 Specs


Two layers of 1/2" MDF for the frame paired with 5/8" ply with a poly carbonate sheet for the step tiles. The corner tiles have a HDPE sheet on top and the center tile is ABS.

Micro Controller:

ATMega32u4 running at 1000HZ+ with USB-C connectivity.


Interlink Electronics Model 408 strip force sensitive resistors.


Without bar and base: 32" x 32" x 2".

With bar and base: 35.5" x 32" x 9".

Bar height 36".


~37 lbs.


Custom (changeable)

Sensor Placement:



Shipping is usually around ~75$ for these pads.

Shipping to the west coast has been as low as 60$.

Shipping to the east coast has been closer to 90$.

Live near Portland? See if you can get shipping for free here.


Pads are made on a monthly schedule, if none are available now, restock will occur at the 10th of every month (usually).